Doc holliday Dr. John Henry "Doc" Holliday "He was the most skillful gambler, and the nerviest, fastest,
deadliest man with a six-gun I ever saw". This was the
tribute paid to Doc Holliday by, who was something
of a tough character himself.
On August 14, 1851 in Griffin, Georgia, John Henry Holliday was
born to Henry Burroughs and Alice Jane Holliday. Their first child,
Martha Eleanora, had died on June 12, 1850 at six months of age.
When he married Alice Jane McKay on January 8, 1849, Henry Burroughs
was a druggist by trade and, later, became a wealthy planter,
lawyer, and during the War between the States, a Confederate Major.
Church records state: "John Henry, infant son of Henry B.
and Alice J. Holliday, received the ordinance of baptism on Sunday
March 21, 1852, at the First Presbyterian Church in Griffin."
Alice Jane died on September 16, 1866. This was a terrible blow
to young John Henry for he and his mother was very close. To compound
this loss, his father married Rachel Martin only three months
later on December 18,1886. Shortly after this marriage , the Holliday
family moved to Valdosta, Georgia. Major Holliday quickly became
one of the town's leading citizens, becoming Mayor, the Secretary
of the County Agricultural Society, a Member of the Masonic Lodge,
the Secretary of the Confederate Veterans Camp, and the Superintendent
of local elections.
Because of his family status, John Henry had to choose some sort
of profession and he chose dentistry. He enrolled in dental school
in 1870 and attended his first lecture session in 1870-1872. Each
lecture session lasted a little over three months. John wrote
his required thesis on "Disease of the Teeth". He served
his required two years apprenticeship under Dr. L.F. Frank. On
March 1, 1872, the Pennsylvania College of Dental Surgery in Philadelphia,
conferred the degree of Doctor of Dental Surgery upon twenty-six
men, one of whom was John Henry Holliday. Upon completion of his
training and graduation, Dr. Holliday opened an office with a
Dr. Arthur C. Ford in Atlanta in 1872. The Atlanta Constitution
on July 26, 1872, ran the following item:
"I hereby inform my patients that I have to attend the session
of the Southern Dental Association in Richmond, Virginia, and
will be absent until about the middle of August, during which
time Dr. John H. Holliday will fill my place in my office. Office:
26 Whitehall Street - Arthur C. Ford D.D.A.
Heading West
John was a good dentist, but shortly after starting his practice,
he discovered that he had contracted tuberculosis. Although he
consulted a number of doctors, the consensus of all was that he
had only months to live. However, they all concurred that he might
add a few months to his life if he moved to a dry climate. Following
this advice, Doc packed up and headed West. His first stop was
in Dallas, Texas, the end of the railroad at the time. The date
was October 1873, and Doc soon found a suitable position as an
associate of Dr. John A. Seegar. He hung out his shingle and prepared
for business, but his terrible illness was not through with him.
Coughing spells wracked his thin frame and often occurred at the
most embarrassing times, such as in the midst of filling a tooth
or making an extraction. As a result, his dental business gradually
declined. John soon had to find other means of earning a livelihood.
It became apparent that he possessed a natural ability for gambling
and this quickly became his sole means of support. In those days,
a gambler in the west had to be able to protect himself, for he
stood alone. Doc was well aware of this and faithfully practiced
with six-gun and knife. On January 2, 1875, Doc and a local saloon
keeper, named Austin, had a disagreement that flared into violence.
Each man went for hid pistol. Several shots were fired, but not
one struck its intended target. According to Dallas Weekly Herald,
both shooters were arrested. Most of the local citizens thought
such a gunfight highly amusing, but changed their views a few
days later when Doc put two large holes through a prominent citizen,
leaving him very dead. Feelings ran high ran high over this killing
and Doc was forced to flee Dallas a short distance in front of
a posse. His next was Jacksboro over in Jack's County, where
he found a job dealing Faro. Jackson was a tough cow-town situated
near an armypost.
Not to be outdone, Doc now carried a gun in a shoulder holster,
one on his hip, and a long, wicked knife as well. Reports confirm
the fact that he was becoming an expert with these weapons as
he was involved in three gunfights in a very short span of time.
One of these left another dead man to Doc's credit. Since this
was a pretty wild section of the West at that time, no law action
was taken against him. During the summer of 1876, Holliday again
became a participant in a gunfight. On this occasion, he was
careless enough to kill a soldier from Fort Richardson. The killing
brought the United States Government into the investigation
Doc hit the trail again , but this time his back trail was cluttered
with the Army, U.S. Marshals, Texas Rangers, and local lawmen
and citizens, who were anxious to collect the reward offered for
him. Holliday knew that if he was captured, his neck would be
stretched with very few preliminaries, so he headed straight into
Apache country for Colorado, eight hundred miles away. Stopping
for short periods at Pueblo, Leadville, Georgetown and Central
City, three more men went down before his guns before he reached
Denver. There he went by the name of Tom Mackey and was practically
unknown until he was involved in an argument with Bud Ryan, while
dealing Faro at Babbitt's House.
In the ensuing fight, Doc came very near to cutting Ryan's head
off. Ryan, who was a well-known gambling tough, survived the
vicious slashing, but his face and neck were horribly mutilated.
Although his victim did not die, public resentment forced Doc
to flee again. He drifted on to Wyoming, then to New Mexico, and
from there to Fort Griffin, Texas. It was there that Doc met the
only woman who was ever to come into his life. She was known as
"Big Nose" Kate, a frontier dance hall woman and prostitute.
It was quite true that Kate's nose was prominent, but her other
features were quite attractive. Her ample curves were generous
and all in the right places. Tough, stubborn, fearless, and high
tempered, she worked at the business of being a Madam and a prostitute
because she liked it! She belonged to no man or no Madam's House,
but plied her trade as an individual in the manner she chose.
Doc met her while he was dealing cards in John Shanssey's saloon.
It was also at Shanssey's that he met Wyatt Earp, another
person who was to have a great deal of influence on his life.
Earp rode in from Dodge City on the trail of Dave Rudabaugh,
who was wanted for train robbery. While Doc was helping Wyatt
gain the information he needed, they became fast friends. Holliday
had already gained the reputation of being a cold-blooded killer.
Many believed that he liked to kill, but that was not true. He
was simply a hot-tempered Southerner who stood aside for no man.
Bat Masterson said of him: "Doc Holliday was afraid
of nothing on earth". Doc could be described as a fatalist.
He knew that he was already condemned to a slow, painful death.
If his death was quick and painless, who was he to object! Actually,
he expected a quick demise because of the violent life he lived.
A bully boy of Fort Griffin sat down in a poker game with Holliday.
His name was Ed Bailey and he had grown accustomed to having his
way with no one questioning his actions. Doc's reputation seemed
to make no impression on him whatever. In an obvious attempt to
irritate Doc, Bailey kept picking up the discards and looking
through them. This was strictly against the rules of Western poker,
and anyone who broke this rule forfeited the pot. Holliday warned
Bailey twice, but the erstwhile bad man ignored his protests.
The very next hand Bailey picked up the discards again. Without
saying a word Doc reached out and raked in the pot without showing
his hand, Bailey brought a six-shooter from under the table, while
a large knife materialized in Doc's hand. Before the local bully
could pull the trigger, Doc, with one slash, completely disemboweled
him. Spilling blood everywhere, bailey sprawled across the table.
As he felt that he was obviously only protecting himself and
in the right, Doc stuck around town and allowed the Marshal to
arrest him. That was certainly a mistake, for once he had been
disarmed and locked up, Bailey's friends and the town vigilantes
began a clamor for his blood. "Big Nose" Kate knew that
Doc was finished unless someone did something and quick. Likely
as not, the local lawmen would turn the slim gunman over to the
mob. Kate went into action by setting fire to an old shed. It
burned so rapidly that the flames threatened to engulf the town.
Everyone went to fight the fire with the exception of three people:
Kate, Doc, and the Officer who guarded him. As soon as the lawman
and his prisoner were left alone, Kate stepped in and confronted
them. Kate grasped a pistol in each hand. Disarming the startled
guard, Kate passed a pistol to Doc and the two of them vanished
into the night.
All that night they hid in the brush, carefully avoiding parties
of searchers. The next morning they headed for Dodge City, four
hundred miles away, on "borrowed" horses. The couple
registered at Deacon Cox's Boarding House in Dodge City as Dr.
and Mrs. J.H. Holliday. Doc felt he owed Kate a great deal for
rescuing him from a hang tree in Fort Griffin and was determined
to do anything in his power to make her happy. Kate gave up being
a prostitute and inhabiting the saloons. Doc gave up gambling
and hung out his shingle again. All of Doc's good intentions were
totally unappreciated and did not endure for long. Kate stood
the quiet and boredom of respectable living as long as she could.
Then she told Doc that she was going back to the bright lights
and excitement of the dance halls and gambling dens. Consequently,
the two split up, as they were destined to do many times during
the remainder of Doc's life.
September found Doc back dealing Faro in the Long Beach Saloon.
A number of Texas cowboys had just arrived in Dodge City with
a herd of cattle. After many weeks on the trail, they were wild
, salty bunch, ready to "tree" Dodge. Word was brought
into the Long Branch that several of the trail drivers had Wyatt
Earp cornered and were boasting that they intended to shoot him
down. Doc leaped through the door, gun in hand. When he arrived,
two cowboys, Morrison and Driscoll, were holding cocked revolvers
on Wyatt, goading him to draw before they shot him down. About
twenty of their friends also stood nearby, taunting and insulting
the enraged, but helpless, Wyatt. Holliday loosed a volume of
profanity and, as the self-styled bad men turned to face Doc,
Wyatt rapped Morrison over the head with his long barrel Colt.
Then he set about relieving the other cowboys of their guns. Wyatt
never forgot the fact that Doc Holliday saved his life that night
in Dodge City.
Kate and Doc soon had another of their frequent, violent quarrels
and Doc, in a furious mood, saddled his horse and rode out to
Trinidad, Colorado. Shortly after he arrived in town, a young
gambler , known as "Kid Colton", wishing to make himself
a reputation , badgered Doc into a fight. Doc's gun roared twice
and Colton collapsed in the dust of the street. Under such circumstance,
Doc did not wish to linger around , and rode on into New Mexico.
In the summer of 1879, Doc tried his hand as a dentist for the
last time in Las Vegas, New Mexico. It was a very weak attempt
and ended in a short time when he bought a saloon on Center Street.
A few weeks later, he got into an argument with a local gunman,
named Mike Gordon, who, by all evidence was rather popular with
the locals. Not one to mince words, Doc politely invited him to
start shooting whenever he felt like it and then shot him three
times in the stomach. A mob quickly gathered and began plans for
decorating a hang tree, using Doc as an ornament. Wisely, Doc
disappeared like smoke. Since he had to move on again, Doc knew
the one place he would be safe in was Dodge City. After all, Wyatt
Earp was his friend. But when he rode back into town, he discovered
that Wyatt had gone to a new silver strike, in a place called
Tombstone, Arizona
Bound for Tombstone
There was nothing to hold him in Dodge City with Wyatt gone, so
Doc headed West, bound for Tombstone. Without Doc knowing it,
he would soon get to know more of the Earp family, for all of
the Earp brothers were bound for Tombstone. Morgan was coming
in from Montana; Wyatt and James from Dodge City and Virgil from
Prescott, where Marshal Crawley Dake had just made him a Deputy
U.S. Marshal. Virgil left Prescott for Tombstone without Holliday
, who was having a fantastic run of luck at the poker tables.
"Big Nose" Kate, also enroute to the new boom town of
Tombstone, caught up with Doc in Prescott while he was still winning
at poker. The two of them reached Tombstone in the early summer
of 1880 and Doc, with $40,000 of the Prescott gambler's money
in his pockets, found Kate very happy to be in his company.
In Tombstone, Doc found Kate living quarters sandwiched between
a funeral parlor and the Soma Winery on the North side of Allen
Street, at Sixth Street. Kate was quick to realize opportunity
and, soon after her arrival in Tombstone, went into business
and was soon making a sizable income. She purchased a large tent,
rounded up several girls, a few barrels of bad, cheap Whiskey
and operated Tombstone's first "sporting house".
The outlaw gang in Tombstone had things their way for quite some
time and they resented the arrival of the Earp brothers and Doc
Holliday. "Old man" Clanton, his sons, Ike, Phin, and
Billy, the McLaury brothers, Frank and Tom; Curly Bill Brochus,
John Ringo and their followers lost no time in expressing their
displeasure. Doc had become quite famous as a gunman by the time
he had reached Tombstone. Several men had died in encounters with
him. At any rate, Holliday was a welcome addition to the Earp's
fight with the Cowboy faction.
Johnny Tyler and Doc had a dispute in the Oriental Saloon, early
in October , 1880. Tyler left as quickly as possible but Doc and
Milt Joyce, the saloon owner, continue to argue. The argument
turned into gunplay and Doc drunkenly fired several shots. Finally,
Milt struck Doc on the head with a pistol. When the affair ended
Joyce had been shot through the hand, Parker, his bartender, was
shot through the toe on the left foot and Holliday had a lump
on his head from the pistol whipping by Joyce. Doc was arrested
and charged with assault with a deadly weapon. He was found guilty
by Justice Reilly and fined $20 for assault and battery and $11.25
Once they were settled in town, Holliday and "Big Nose"
Kate took up where they had left off. Although they lived together
, Doc went back to drinking and gambling and Kate to her operation
as a prostitute. Their arguments were frequent , but not really
serious until Kate got drunk and abusive. Doc, at this point,
decided that enough was enough and threw her out. As fate would
have it, four masked men attempted a hold up of the stage near
Contention on March 15, 1881. In the attempt, they killed two
men; Bud Philpot, the stage driver, and Peter Roerig, a passenger.
The cowboy faction immediately seized upon the opportunity and
accused Doc Holliday of being one of the holdup men. Sheriff Behan
and Deputy Stilwell found Kate on one of her drunken binges, still
berating Doc for throwing her out. They sympathized with her and
fed her more whiskey, then persuaded her to sign an Affidavit
that Doc had been one of the masked highwaymen and had actually
pulled the trigger on the shot that killed Bud Philpot.
While Kate was sobering up, the Earps began to round up witnesses
who could verify Doc's whereabouts on the night in question. When
Kate realized what she had done, she regretted her actions and
repudiated her statement. Since witnesses and Kate's new stand
exposed the cowboy frame-up, Doc was released. The District Attorney
labeled the charges as ridiculous and threw them out. Doc gave
Kate some money and put her on a stage leaving town. As far as
he was concerned, his debt to her was paid in full. "Big
Nose" Kate was a far different woman than most of the people
in Tombstone realized. She had been born Mary Katherine Horony,
in Budapest, Hungary on November 7, 1850. During her long life
she was to use many last names; Elder, Melvin, Fisher, Holliday,
Cummings and Howard. She did not travel far on the stage, only
to Globe. Evidently, she made two or three trips back to Tombstone
to visit Doc as she claimed to be a witness to the gunfight. She
may have been, as she and Doc were staying in a room at Mrs. Fly's
Most likely that is why the "Cowboys" were in a vacant
lot next door near the O.K. Corral. They may have been waiting
for Doc to come back to the room they shared where they would
have an opportunity to kill him.
Kate was apparently in Colorado from 1882 to the early part of
1888, although there is no information that she was living with
Doc any of those years. She married a blacksmith, named George
M. Cummings in 1888 and with her new husband moved to Bisbee,
Arizona, only a few miles from Tombstone. They also lived for
a time in Pearce, Arizona. In 1889, Kate left her husband and
moved to the tiny railroad town of Cochise. (Cummings committed
suicide in Courtland, Arizona on July 7, 1915. The coroner's jury
report said that he killed himself because he had an incurable
cancer of the head.) Cochise had been born in 1886 as a railroad
station and post office at the junction of the Arizona Eastern
and Southern Pacific railroads. John J. Rath hired Kate to work
in his Cochise Hotel in 1899, although the customers never knew
her true identity. She left the Cochise Hotel in the summer of
1900, and moved in with a man named Howard, from the mining town
of Dos Cabezas.
She lived with him until 1930, and when he died she inherited
some property. In 1931, she wrote to the Governor of Arizona,
Gorge W.P. Hunt, requesting admission to the "Arizona Pioneers
Home". Being foreign born , she was not eligible but she
claimed that she had been born in Davenport, Iowa. So Hunt gave
her permission for admission to the home and she stayed there
until her death on November 2, 1940.
Losers in the Gunfight at the O.K. Corral.
The Gunfight at the O.K. Corral
After the Cowboys had threatened to kill Wyatt, Morgan, Virgil,
and Doc if they didn't get out of Tombstone, the whole town watched
to see the outcome. They knew that the Earps and Doc would not
run. On October 26, 1881, Virgil received word that the Cowboys
were gathering at the O.K. Corral, and that they were armed, which
was against City law. Doc met the Earps on Fourth Street on their
way to the O.K. Corral and demanded that he be allowed to join
them in their little walk. Five men, potential killers, lay in
wait. When Wyatt Earp and Billy Clanton opened the battle, Doc
shot Billy in the chest, then cut Tom McLaury down with a double
charge of buckshot. The life was basted from McLaury before he
struck the ground. Although, Wyatt allowed Ike Clanton to run
from the fight scene, Holliday was not so generous. He threw two
shots at Ike as he fled, missing him narrowly. A bullet from Frank
McLaury cut into Doc's pistol holster and burned a painful crease
across his hip. Doc's return shot smashed into McLaury's brain.
Less than thirty seconds after the opening shot, three men lay
dead and three were wounded. Doc had shot each of the dead cowboys
at least once. Virgil had been shot in the leg and Morgan through
both shoulders. Only Wyatt Earp has survived the fight untouched.
Other gunfights and the aftermath of O.K. Corral
On January 17, 1882, came the famous confrontation between Wyatt,
Doc and Ringo. Many writers would say that Ringo challenged all
the Earps and Holliday. Not true. Virgil and Morgan were incapacitated
with painful wounds. Ringo wasn't running much risk as there was
little chance that they would accept his challenge. They knew
that Ringo had been drinking heavily and that the Whiskey was
talking. In addition, they had troubles enough from the aftermath
of the gunfight at O.K. Corral. Ringo was well aware of all this.
On March 18,1882, the assassins struck again. Morgan was playing
pool with Bob Hatch at Campbell and Hatch's Saloon and Billiard
Parlor, on Allen Street between Fourth and Fifth Street. A shot
was fired from the darkness of the alley. That shot struck him
in the back and snuffed out his life. Morgan's body was dressed
in one of Doc Holliday's suits and shipped to the parents in Colton,
California for burial.
The Earp party encountered Frank Stilwell and Ike Clanton at the
Tucson Station. Wyatt chased Stilwell down the track and filled
him full of holes. The date was March 20, 1882. A Tucson Coroner's
Jury named Wyatt and Warren Earp, Doc Holliday, "Texas Jack",
and McMasters as the men who had killed Stillwell. A Tucson judge
issued warrants for their arrests. As far as Wyatt Earp was concerned,
the man who shot Virgil and killed Morgan were dead men, only
living until he found them. The killing of Stilwell was just the
beginning of his bloody trail of vengeance, and Doc Holliday rode
beside him all the way. Wyatt received word that Pete Spencer
was at his wood camp in the Dragoons. The "federal posse"
rode there and found: not Pete Spencer, but Florentino Cruz. Frightened,
he named the men who had murdered Morgan, himself included. The
Earp posse shot him to pieces. The date was March 22, 1882. The
Earp posse was riding along a deep wash near Iron Springs when
they encountered Curly Bill Brocius and eight of his men. In the
fight that followed, Curly Bill was killed and Johnny Barnes received
a wound that eventually killed him. The date was March 24, 1882.
In a little more than a year, the list of Cowboy outlaws that
had been eliminated was astonishing: "Old Man" Clanton,
Billy Clanton, Frank McLaury, Tom McLaury, Frank Stilwell, Indian
Charlie, Dixie Gray, Florentino Cruz, Curly Bill, Johnny Barnes,
Jim Crane, Harry Head, Bill Leonard, Joe Hill, Luther King, Charley
Snow, Billy Lang, Zwing Hunt, Billy Grounds and Hank Swilling.
Pete Spencer, volunteered for the penitentiary for his own safety.
Doc Holliday accounted for more than his share of the Cowboys,
and when he and Wyatt Earp left Tombstone for good, they rode
their horses to Silver City, New Mexico, sold them, rode a stage
to Deming, and boarded a train for Colorado.
Doc was arrested in Denver shortly after his arrival. The arresting
officer was a man named Perry Mallan. (Some believe that he was
actually a brother to Johnny Tyler, a foe of Holliday and would-be
gunman, that Doc ran out of Tombstone). While Doc was in jail
the Denver Republican of May 22, 1882, ran the following: "Holliday
has a big reputation as a fighter, and has probably put more rustlers
and cowboys under the sod than any other one man in the west.
He had been the terror of the lawless element in Arizona, and
with the Earps was the only man brave enough to face the bloodthirsty
crowd which has made the name of Arizona a stench in the nostrils
of decent men."
Mallan remarked in the paper that he was standing along side when
Curly Bill Brocius was killed.. Doc related his thoughts as to
that: ".....eight rustlers rose up from behind the bank and
poured from thirty-five to forty shots at us. Our escape was miraculous.
The shots cut our clothes and saddles and killed one horse, but
did not hit us. I think we would have been killed if God Almighty
wasn't on our side. Wyatt Earp turned loose with a shotgun and
killed Curly Bill. The eight men in the gang which attacked us
were all outlaws, for each of whom a big reward has been offered...If
Mallan was along side Curly Bill when he was killed, he was with
one of the worst gangs of murderers and robbers in the country."
Doc's troubles, concerning extradition to Arizona, ended and the
following article was in the Rocky Mountain News, May 30, 1882:
"Doc Holliday's case was finally disposed of by Governor
Pitkin yesterday, his Excellency deciding that he could not honor
the requisition from Arizona. The District Attorney's Office was
represented by Honorable I.E. Barnum, Assistant District Attorney,
who was accompanied in his visit to the Governor by Deputy Sheriff
Linton and Sheriff Paul of Arizona. Among others present were
Deputy Sheriff Masterson (Bat) of Trinidad and several friends
of Holliday."
Doc left Denver and went to Pueblo and from there to Leadville.
It was there that he ran into two old enemies from Tombstone,
Billy Allen and Johnny Tyler. Friends advised Doc that Allen had
threatened him and was looking for him with a pistol. Around 5
PM on August 19, 1884, Doc strolled into Hyman's Saloon, and placed
himself at the end of the bar near the cigar lighter. As Billy
Allen crossed the threshold, Doc leveled his pistol and fired
creasing Allen's head. Reaching over the tobacco counter, Doc
shot him again through the left arm below the shoulder. Holliday
would have shot him again, but bystanders disarmed him. Allen
was much larger than Doc and had obviously threatened him publicly
so Doc was acquitted of the shooting charges.
Doc Holliday claimed he almost lost his life a total of nine times.
Four attempts were made to hang him and he was shot at in a gunfight
or from ambush five times. In May , 1887, Doc went to Glenwood
Springs to try the sulfur vapors, as his health was steadily growing
worse, but he was too far gone. He spent his last fifty-seven
days in bed and was delirious fourteen of them. On November 8,
1887, he awoke clear-eyed and asked for a glass of Whiskey. It
was given to him and he drank it down with enjoyment. Then he
said, "This is funny", and died.
Doc Holliday had come West years before, knowing his days were
numbered. Long before his death he had maintained that he would
not die in bed coughing his guts out. He always believed that
he would be killed by a quicker , easier death than that planned
for him by destiny. He often said that his end would come from
lead poisoning, at the end of a rope, a knife in his ribs, or
that he might drink himself to death. That's why he considered
it funny when he died peacefully in bed. Doc was the best of the
Western gamblers and he lost his biggest bet when he died of tuberculosis.
The greater part of his years had been lived on borrowed time.
His remains were buried in their final resting place in the Glenwood
Cemetery (Old Hill Cemetery), Colorado.
So passed Tombstone's most deadly gun.
Joseph Issac Clanton
Robert Findley McLaury
Older of the two brothers who died in the gun fight at the O.K. Coral
Thomas Clark McLaury
Who was the "real" Doc Holliday?
I would like to thank Paula Mitchell Marks, who wrote, And Die In The West - The Story of the O.K. Corral Gunfight, the most comprehensive account of the occurrences in Tombstone before, during, and after the famous gunfight. Her work has separa
ted fact from fiction.
John H. Holliday was born 14 August 1851 in Valdosta, Georgia. He was the only son of Henry Burroughs Holliday and Alice Jane McKey. His father was a local civic leader, and his deeply religious mother was anxious about her only son's convictions of fai
th. His mother died when he was fourteen and about five years later he left Georgia. His father remarried Rachel Troup Holliday, a mullotto who was only nine years older than her step-son. In 1872, he graduated from the Pennsylvania College of Dental
Surgery. However, he clearly enjoyed gambling more than dentistry.
In 1875, Holliday's tuberculosis was diagnosed while he was practicing dentistry in Dallas, Texas. By 1878, he was practicing in Dodge City, but had difficulty in acquiring patients because of his severe coughing jags.
Doc Holliday generated widely varying reactions among his acquaintances. The most conspicuous trait, according to his friends, was his attitude toward his own mortality. Whether he died in a gunfight, or lost his life to "consumption" seemed to make lit
tle difference to Doc Holliday.
In May of 1882, "Mallan" arrived in Denver, Colorado, to arrest Doc Holliday for the murder of Frank Stilwell who was killed by Wyatt Earp for murdering Morgan Earp in Tombstone. According to Holliday, Mallan was a brother of Johnny Tyler, a racketeer wh
o was expelled from the Oriental Saloon by Wyatt and Holliday.
Politics swirled around Holliday in his new Colorado home. Bat Masterson led an effort to get Holliday exonerated by the Governor of Colorado and he was successful. But Holliday's pleasing appearance and manner also contributed to his new reputation in
Colorado. The town newspaper, the Pueblo Chieftain even came out in support of the gambling dentist: "He was a tall, lean gentlemanly person with large, sharp blue eyes and an air of considerable culture." Holliday had found new advocates in h
is refuge.
On November 8, 1887, John H. Holliday died at the Glenwood Springs Sanitorium, located in the town from which it took its name in Garfield County, Colorado, after tuberculosis finally incapacitated him.