About this sites designer and owner!!

HOWDY! I,m 31yers old and have a girlfrind and two doughters and one son they are 4 and 12 yers old and the boy is 1 year old.
I live in Gothenburg/Sweden whit my family.
I,m just done whit school and I,am a grafikdesigner and webdesigner.
My hobbies is computers, cars, horses, music and lots of more of course.
I been working whit lots of different jobs, like cars, horses, buildings, and I hade a store of my own coupple a yers ago, my most fun job I ever had whas driving a stagecoch at high capparall in sweden, I also did take care of the turist riding horses.
My most experianc work was when I was a croupier and was working whit black jack, roullet, dice and punto banco that was a fun but hard work.
If some one read this and now something aboute jobs in canada or usa like: working white horses or as a croupier please contact me on my e-mail address.


